RAiR | 1997-98
Steve Levin
Steve Levin (1964- ) was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota and learnt art at an early age, drawing alongside his father, a commercial artist. Seeking a career as a realist artist, Steven joined the Atelier LeSueur in Excelsior, Minnesota, a studio-based school in the tradition of the Boston School of artists and painters from the late 19th Century. He later received his BA in art from Reed College and went on to earn his MFA from the University of California, Davis. Steven won First Prize for the ARC 2016 Salon, amongst numerous other awards. From 1993-2018, he held 20 solo exhibitions and contributed to over fifty group exhibitions, including at the van Straaten and Lyons-Weir Gallery in Chicago, Jamison-Thomas Gallery in New York, and van de Griff Gallery in Santa Fe. Steve taught art at Williams College from 1989 to 2016. His paintings reflect both his fondness for old curiosities and his willingness to steal shamelessly from the rich history of still life painting.
Steve Levin’s website
AMoCA Collection | Down in the Willow Garden, 1998, oil on copper, 48” x 36”